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Train you to safety – our job

For nearly thirty years,”International Lux Protect” offers its services in the field of close protection of high personalities.

High-level training for professionals, militaries, or security agencies … “

International Lux Protect” is your security expert all over the world.

International Lux Protect“, a reference in the field of close protection. Philippe Barbiau – the unavoidable name in the profession-. For more than thirty years, “Lux Protect International” has been building and a solid reputation. Its impressive track record shows his expertise and the wide range of its skills.

Philippe Barbiau, “team leader” trainer operates with his teams throughout the world. Calling him is making sure of the success of your projects and your formations in a maximum security level.

High level security training

“Lux Protect International” is the reference in the field of close protection

Click on the titles of our services for more information

Our services

Who is Philippe Barbiau?

For more than thirty years, “International Lux Protect” has been building a solid reputation. His impressive track record shows his expertise and the wide range of his skills. To his credit:

1. Legion étrangère

2. Close Combat Instructor in several countries (Russia, USA, UAE …)

3. Driver of high authorities of the Belgian army

4. “Team leader” trainer. Close protection in a hostile environment of high personalities. Official Instructor of the Colombian S.W.A.T. and C.E.P.E.S.S.S.


Philippe Barbiau, a high-level trainer, works with his teams around the world. Calling him is  ensuring the perfect success of your projects in a maximum security level.

Our collaborators / real professionals


International Lux Protect has collaborators all over the world, mainly centralized in Colombia. We work in partnership with real security professionals, the protection of lives being at the heart of our priorities. Our teams, whose expertise and professionalism are reflected in a remarkable way through various operations in a hostile environment, have the appropriate executive abilities to deal with any type of armed / terrorist attack.

Loyal Hawk Colombia

Training company approved by the Ministry of National Defense, the General Command of the Military Forces and by the Superintendence of oversight and Private Security. Formed in 1989, it provides training services in the field of security, individual and institutional protection.


Arbey Rodriguez

Commandant Lux Protect Colombie, il a fait preuve d’un  professionnalisme sans faille tout au long de sa carrière. Conseiller en matière de protection diplomatique et de sécurité avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience en Colombie et dans le monde.


Many brands allow Focs Blindaje to transform their vehicles while retaining all the mechanical guarantees put by the manufacturers. Therefore, these cars are used for our high security trainings. All cars are adaptable to your needs.


P.S.G. is a company manufacturing and exporting bulletproof vests that are significantly lighter and more ergonomic than any competitor. Adaptable to different needs .

Academia Americana Seguridad

Performs risk assessment courses, safety studies, as well as analysis and methods concepts. Final goal: familiarizing learners with the principles of risk management.

Colombian National Police

The Colombian National Police has been working with our services for several years to train their young police officers.


Private security training institution. Holds an operating license of the superintendence of Private Security and oversight in Colombia.

Colombian army

We offer our services to the Colombian army and train their soldiers to face extreme situations in order to fight against the different threats of the country.


By far one of the best training centers for security schools. Develops the skills of highly trained instructors with the experience and secrets of the ex “D.A.S. agents”

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